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Marcell Siahaan Gelar Konser Mantan Istri Ikutan Baper, Sweet Banget!

By Atikah Ishmah W, Senin, 25 September 2017 | 15:47 WIB

Intip keakraban istri dan mantan istri Marcel Siahaan

Dilansir Grid.ID dari akun Instagram milik Rima Melati, di salah satu foto yang diunggah, Dewi Lestari memberikan komentar.

"A sweet indeed!the whole boyz troop on stage (emot love), gilee ikutan mewek, wish i was there and be part of this melow moment (empt love)."

Sweet yah, mantan istri akur!

Tak hanya Dewi Lestari yang turut bangga dan bahagia, netizen juga, loh!

"Im so glad that u like our works on u!! U r so beautiful & humble dear!!! So happy to work with u.. semoga u & @marcellsiahaans will happy till jannah.. aminnnn," tulis pemilik akun @che_wann.

(BACA: Marcell Siahaan Akan Merubah Sejarah Bermusiknya)

"Ahh this is too sweet  i’m happy for you my fave family," tulis pemilik akun @vivishaqie.

"lalu terharu happily ever after mba rima and family," tulis pemilik akun @tariwirtjes.

"Beautiful darling, km So cantik. Kalian berdua So sweet," tulis pemilik akun @happysalma.

"so happy everyone enjoyed the cake. So sweet the both of youuu, so so much love. "The very thought of you" is stuck in my head and I've been having it on repeat since Saturday night. sooo sedap how the both of you sang it," tulis pemilik akun @khalisaadila.

(BACA: Cuma Pakai Kaus dan Bergaya Casual, Marcell Siahaan Ikut Peringati 1 Dekade Armada Band)

Terharu melihat kekompakan Dewi Lestari, Marcell dan Rima Melati.

Selamat yah Marcel!(*)