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Ilustrasikan Pembunuhan Umat Muslim di Masjid Al Noor, Atta Halilintar Tuai Kritik

By Winda Wahdania, Minggu, 17 Maret 2019 | 20:09 WIB

Atta Halilintar

Ia pun merasa cukup simpati dengan adanya kejadian tersebut.

"My heart aches for the victims of the Christchurch shooting, my prayers are with them,"

"But to make a content this insensitive and learning about guns is not going to make things better,"

"What needs to be taught instead is love, compassion and peace, not a video about guns,"

Baca Juga : Sering Skip Video YouTube Ria Ricis, Atta Halilintar: Aku Nggak Mungkin Nonton Orang Lagi Duyung-duyung Gitu

"Guns can't shoot if no one pulls the trigger m8,"

"How about we lay off the guns for now?," tulis @kittendust.

Hal senada juga diutarakan @aghninyhaque dalam instagram storynya.

"Mari lihat post dia seebelum dihapus si tumbuhan ini," tulis @aghninyhaque.

Unggahan Atta pun kini tengah di hapus dari laman instagram pribadinya.