"Wiwi Sofianty adalah teman pertama saya di asrama atlit PPLP Ragunan.
Teman sekelas saya, teman curhat saya, we're really close, sedekat itu kami sampe nyikat wc aja barengan.
Kita uda hampir 6 tahun ga ketemu, ga ada kontak lagi, until last year i see her on facebook again and she posting about her little family.
I really adored her and her little family so much.
Saya sangat menghargai keputusannya menikah muda, and i know this isn't easy things especially for me.
And now she really get a heartbreak, her husband cheating with a teenager. What the f*ck!!!
Hey dude, are you insane? My friends keep on your side, and motivate you untill you got that f*cking medals on sea games!
Ga cuma itu, teman saya juga melahirkan 2 orang anak dari kamu.
Hold the baby in a 9 months it's not easy dude.
Respect you wife, respect your mother, respect you sister, RESPECT WOMAN, or you can s*ck your d*ck!!!
Oh my god! I really sick of it!
You're doing good girl!