"Although you’ve everything that the world might want to have, But You deserve all the WONDERFUL things that you are fighting for,
And i Know, that the most beautiful of them are yet to head your way.. and it Will!," tulis sang artis.
Di mata Bella, Rachel adalah wanita yang cantik luar dalam.
Sementara itu, di penghujung caption, Bella sempat membongkar profesi Rachel yang sangat mentereng.
"You are pretty inside out (kamu cantik luar dalam). I Love and Proud of you So Much!! (Aku sayang dan bangga kepadamu).
Happiest Birthday Dearest Sis! Dr. Rachel Tiarma P. Sihombing, MKes," pungkas Bella.
Unggahan Bella ini pun mendapat beragam komentar dari warganet.
"Cantiknya sama banget seperti kembar bu," komentar @rovi_q2qitano.
"Wajahnya mirip sekali ya bunda," tulis @aya_meifi.
"Mirip banget, sama2 cantik. Saya kira td saudara kembar," timpal @taryhutabarat.