Alhamdulillah, we had a small group recited yasin and tahlil via zoom. Its was beautiful and humble (Alhamdulillah, kami memiliki grup yasin dan tahlil via Zoom. itu sangat indang dan humble).
I believed you were with us too. This yellow lily was captured at your makam.
I drew and coloured it, for Bunga. Since we could not visit you due to lockdown, at least I hope this sweet lily will always remind us of u, at rest, peacefully, Aamiin' (Aku menggambar dan mewarnainya untuk Bunga. Sejak kami tidak bisa mengunjungimu selama lockdown, setidaknya aku berharap lili manis ini akan selalu mengingatkan kami kepadamu)," tulis Khadijah.
Unggahan Khadijah itu pun mendapat banyak respon dari netizen.
"Indah sekali, Al-Fatihah," tulis @haliiizaaaa_.
"Beautiful Lily.. drew and coloured with full of passion .. those who understand the significance behind it will understand," komentar @kay_adam.
"Beautiful lily Al Fatihah," tambah @riniariyantisyafrizal.