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Lagu Baru Coldiac, Ini Lirik I Don't Mind yang Easy Listening, Wajib Masuk Playlist!

By Annisa Marifah, Selasa, 31 Oktober 2023 | 05:15 WIB

Lagu Baru Coldiac, Ini Lirik I Don't Mind yang Easy Listening, Wajib Masuk Playlist!

Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Annisa Marifah

Grid.ID - Coldiac, band indie asal Malang, Jawa Timur baru saja merilis lagu baru.

Lagu baru Coldiac ini berjudul I Don't Mind yang masuk ke dalam album Lemons Made Lemonade.

Dilansir Grid.ID dari kanal Youtube Coldiac pada Senin (30/10/2023), ini lirik I Don't Mind, lagu baru Coldiac.

I have found the love of my life that is youThe most beautiful mistake I’ve made

And I know we had fun in every momentNever thought this could be so tragic

I would give anything just for another day with you

I don’t mindI don’t mind if you go for a while, it’s fineI’ll be here patiently waiting

Even if this won’t make you mineEven when it seems so hardCause I’m living in the world that’s made up of your smile

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You’ve made me think that our love is in the airBut again and again you disappear

When it comes (when it comes) to the time when you come back to meDon’t ever leave me again