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Lagu Baru Jungkook BTS Bawa Nuansa Retro, Ini Lirik Standing Next to You dan Artinya!

By Ulfa Lutfia Hidayati, Jumat, 3 November 2023 | 12:22 WIB

Video klip Jungkook Standing Next To You

Grid.ID - Sukses dengan single Seven dan 3D, Jungkook BTS kembali merilis lagu baru berjudul Standing Next To You.

Lagu baru Jungkook BTS ini resmi dirilis Youtube Hybe Labels pada Jumat 3 November 2023.

Standing Next To You merupakan lagu baru ada di album solo Jungkook BTS, GOLDEN yang dirilis di hari yang sama.

Mengusung tema musik retro, lirik lagu ini menggambarkan sisi bucin seseorang yang sedang jatuh cinta.

Berikut lirik lagu baru Jungkook Standing Next To You yang diciptakan produser Maurizio Von Trapp.

Lirik Lagu Baru Jungkook Standing Next to You

Standing next to you

Play me slowPush up on this funk and give me miracles (Let ya body know)Make it knownHow we left and right is somethin' we control? (You already know)

Baca Juga: Lagu '3D' Jungkook BTS Disebut Mirip dengan Tembang 'Ramadhan Datang', Ini Komentar Tompi!

You know that all night long we rock to thisScreamin', I testify this lovin'All night long, we flock to thisScreamin', I testify thatWe'll survive the test of timeThey can't deny our loveThey can't divide usWe'll survive the test of timeI promise I'll be right here

Standing next to youStanding in the fire next to you, ohYou know it's deeper than the rainIt's deeper than the painWhen it's deep like DNASomethin' they can't take away, ayyTake-take-take-take-take-take off

Standing next to youStanding next to you (You)Standing next to you