Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Annisa Marifah
Grid.ID - Taylor Swift kembali merilis lagu baru dalam album The Tortured Departement: The Antology.
Salah satu lagu barunya berjudul 'So Long, London'.
Melansir pada Minggu (20/4/2024), lirik lagu baru ini diduga bercerita tentang mantan pacar Taylor yang berkebangsaan Inggris, Joe Alywn.
Diketahui bahwa Taylor Swift berkencan dengan Joe Alywn dari 2016 hingga 2023.
Ini adalah kedua kalinya Swift menjadikan Kota London menjadi judul lagunya.
Yang pertama adalah 'London Boy' dari album Lover yang dirilis pada 2019, lagu ini berkisah tentang sosok Joe Alwyn.
Lagu ini masuk ke dalam track kelima dalam album barunya.
Disebut bahwa track kelima Taylor merupakan track yang paling personal di setiap albumnya.
Berikut ini lirik lengkap 'So Long, London' :
So long, London (So long, London)So long, London (So long, London)So long, London (So long, London)
I saw in my mind fairy lights through the mistI kept calm and carried the weight of the riftPulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away
My spine split from carrying us up the hillWet through my clothes, weary bones caught the chillI stopped trying to make him laugh, stopped trying to drill the safe
Thinking how much sad did you think I hadDid you think I had in me?Oh, the tragedy
So long, LondonYou'll find someone
I didn't opt in to be your odd man outI founded the club she's heard great things aboutI left all I knew, you left me at the house by the heath
I stopped CPR, after all, it's no useThe spirit was gone, we would never come toAnd I'm pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free
For so long, LondonStitches undoneTwo graves, one gunI'll find someone
And you say I abandoned the shipBut I was going down with itMy white-knuckle dying gripHolding tight to your quiet resentmentAnd my friends said it isn't right to be scared
Every day of a love affairEvery breath feels like rarest airWhen you're not sure if he wants to be thereSo how much sad did you think I had
Did you think I had in me?How much tragedy?Just how low did you think I'd goBefore I'd self-implode?Before I'd have to go be free?
You swore that you loved me, but where were the clues?I died on the altar waiting for the proofYou sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest daysAnd I'm just getting color back into my faceI'm just mad as hell 'cause I loved this place
For so long, London (So long, London)Had a good run (Had a good run)A moment of warm sun (Moment of warm sun)But I'm not the one (I'm not the one)
So long, London (So long, London)Stitches undone (Stitches undone)Two graves, one gun (Two graves, one gun)You'll find someone (You'll find)
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