Grid.ID - Keramaian yang ditimbulkan karena postingan Syahrini di akun Instagramnya, rupanya tak hanya terjadi di Indonesia saja.
Setelah ramai-ramai dikritik netizen tanah air karena foto dan video Syahrini saat berada di Holocaust, rupanya sebuah asing turut memperhatikan.
Dalam tulisan di terlihat Syahrini masuk berita di Berlin untuk foto dan videonya yang berada di Holocaust.
Tak lama kemudian, Syahrini menuliskan penjelasan panjang lebar soal tindakannya yang dianggap tak pantas saat di Holocaust.
(Prilly Latuconsina Kenakan Sepatu Seharga Rp10 Juta Saat Hadiri Premiere Danur 2 Madah)
I Understand At The Criticism About My Instagram Posts From The Holocaust Memorial in Germany !
But I want to make it clear to everybody that I truly never meant to disrespect or offend anybody or anybody’s religion ...
I went to the Memorial as a tourist and, like so many other tourists there, was amazed at the design of it and wanted to take pictures and video ...
I now understand that this was not appropriate ..
Also, in the video I posted on Instagram that has caused so much controversy, I did not Mean to Say “BAGUS” (Indonesian for “nice!”) to refer to the Holocaust,
But to the impressive design of the Memorial !
Unfortunately, others have not been accurate in reciting what I actually said and meant ... Of course, the Holocaust was a horrible and terrifying tragedy – and the Memorial serves as a reminder to us all of how important it is to oppose aggressively all forms of hatred ...
Racism and bigotry and how we must do our best to protect everybody’s human rights and religious freedoms ...
If I had focused on that as I should have during my visit, I would have behaved in a different way ...
I have learned from this experience and I hope others have learned from my experience too !
(Boby Tince Ungkap Sosok Krisdayanti yang Sebenarnya
Hate,anger and jealousy are very dangerous components in society, history shows this and unfortunately currently still is showing in other parts of the world or even on social media as you have been seeing in some reactions on my post.We should be careful with this subject as it can lead to horrible situations !
'Saya Memahami Kritikan Tentang Posting Instagram Saya Dari Peringatan Holocaust di Jerman!
Tetapi saya ingin menjelaskan kepada semua orang bahwa saya benar-benar tidak pernah bermaksud untuk tidak menghormati atau menyinggung siapapun atau agama siapa pun
Aku mengunjungi monumen tersebut sebagai turis dan seperti turis yang lainnya, aku sangat mengagumi desainnya dan ingin mengambil foto juga video.
Mendadak Catwalk, Fitri Tropica Bangga Berhasil Ajak sang Suami Tampil Jadi Model
Penulis | : | Nailul Iffah |
Editor | : | Nailul Iffah |