Kolase Instagram @agnezmo
Kasus kematian George Floyd turut membuat penyanyi Agnez Mo geram
Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Mia Della Vita
Grid.ID- Kematian George Floyd turut membuat penyanyi Agnez Mo geram.
Agnez Mo meluapkan kemarahannya dalam sebuah postingan di akun Instagram miliknya.
Melalui akun Instagram resminya, Agnez Mo mengunggah ulang postingan dari Dr. Caroline Leaf yang menyoroti tentang rasisme yang terjadi di Amerika.
Baca Juga: Polisi Menginjak Leher George Floyd Hingga Tewas, Justin Bieber Sampai Demi Lovato Geram: Itu Membuatku Muak!
Dalam tulisannya, Dr. Caroline menyamakan rasisme seperti sebuah cara berpikir yang beracun.
Sebab, diperkuat oleh pemikiran-pemikiran negatif selama bertahun-tahun sehingga mempengaruhi kesehatan jiwa dan fisik.
"Rasisme adalah cara berpikir masyarakat kita yang paling beracun," kata Caroline.
Baca Juga: Tewas Diinjak Polisi, George Floyd Ternyata Dikenal sebagai Pria Penyayang dan Lembut, Keluarga Mendiang Murka: Dia Tidak Layak Mengalaminya
Kemudian Agnez Mo menambahkan pendapatnya soal postingan panjang Caroline.
"Hatiku terluka," tulis Agnez Mo singkat disertai dengan emoji marah.
Lihat postingan ini di Instagram
???? man my heart aches #racism REPOSTED • @drcarolineleaf Like a toxic mindset that has been strengthened by constant negative thinking over the years and taken over someone’s life, affecting their mental and physical health, racism is one of our society’s most toxic mindsets. It has been practiced through the way we speak, think and behave. It has become ingrained in the very fabric of our society—to the extent that many of us either ignore or accept it, or don’t even recognize it all—till it is too late. Till someone is falsely accused, attacked, hunted or killed. Racism affects the health of all of us: whether we are victimized by it and live in fear of it, or are polluted by it, intentionally or otherwise. And like any toxic mindset, it won’t go away, it won’t stop killing us, unless we acknowledge it, face it in all its ugliness, and admit that things need to change. Admit that we need to change. Yes, this can be uncomfortable. And yes, it means that we have to face parts of ourselves that we maybe didn’t even know were there. It means apologizing for, changing, and challenging social structures that keep the few in power and the many without power. This is the only way LOVE can start conquering anything—in ourselves and in our world. Unless we all say something, unless we all recognize the need to change, we will get nowhere as a people; racism HARMS US ALL. This is not a political statement. This is a scientific and social reality. We are entangled in each others lives. When this entanglement is characterized by subconscious and conscious PREJUDICES and HATRED, we are a TOXIC society. But when our entanglement is characterized by LOVE and RESPECT, we can all be ourselves and go places as a society we have never truly imagined. As Marian Anderson once said, “No matter how big a nation is, it is no stronger than its weakest people, and as long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you might otherwise.” But I do have hope. I do believe that things can get better—human beings are nothing if not resilient, and the the human mind has an infinite capacity to change,heal,grow and bloom
Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh AGNEZ MO (@agnezmo) pada
Bersamaan dengan itu, pelantun 'Diamonds' ini juga mengunggah foto George Floyd.
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