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Grid.ID - Suga BTS mengungkap fakta mengejutkan di balik pembuatan mixtape D-2 .
Suga BTS menceritakan saat live streaming melalui platform Vlive pada Jumat (29/5/2020).
Selama siaran langsung, Suga BTS berbagi cerita mengenai proses pembuatan mixtape D-2.
Suga mengatakan bahwa ada seseorang di gedung dekat studio tempatnya bekerja, positif terjangkit Covid-19 .
Kasus positif Covid-19 itu muncul saat ia tengah mengerjakan mixtape D-2.
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Rapper BTS ini pun diminta untuk meninggalkan gedung secepatnya karena akan disterilkan.
"Ada sebuah kasus terkonfirmasi ketika kami sedang bekerja."
"Mereka mengatakan bahwa kami harus keluar dan perlu karantina."
"Itu mungkin ketika teaser keluar," ungkap Suga dikutip dari Allkpop, Jumat (29/5/2020).
Untungnya, 3 hari sebelum dirilis, pembuatan Mixtape D-2 bisa kembali dilanjutkan.
"Syukurnya, kru produksi dari 3 hari lalu datang dan menyelesaikannya," imbuhnya.
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BTS Suga, the behind Story of Agust D, Mix Tape 'D-2' The K-POP group BTS Suga unveiled the behind-story of the second mix tape 'D-2', released under the name of Agust D on May 22nd. Suga is Agust D, who returned to "'D-2" from BTS' official YouTube channel "BANGTANTV" on May 27th. In this mix tape, It contains 10 songs from various genres including the title song 'Daechwita' such as 'moonlight' 'what do you think?' 'Strange', '28 (점점 어른이 되나봐)', 'Burn It', 'People', 'Honsool', 'Interlude: Set me free' and 'Dear my friend?' Suga said of 'Daechwita," It is the background music that appears when the king moves, and it is made by sampling 'Daechwita'. The music video of 'Daechwita' against the backdrop of the palace stands out magnificently and profound production. Suga appeared in person and showed a different side by playing two different characters. Regarding this music video, Suga said,"I thought I would like to shoot it at a historical drama set, and while I edited the scenario, I also had fun talking about the desired scene." "I also wanted to draw a scar. I wanted to show off the contrasts, I wore modern clothes at a historical theater set, I had the same scars, but there was also a blonde king and another Agust D going to find him." Suga made a lot of new attempts through 'Daechwita' music video. Among them, the sword dance drew attention. "I've never done it before, so I had a hard time practicing," he said. "I used a long sword of the Joseon dynasty, which was actually made by a real master, but I didn't know it was that heavy. It was a new experience." he said. He then picked “Interlude: Set me free”, which you can enjoy Suga's vocals, as his newly tried song, and explained, “It was not a vocal style so far, but it was fun to record because it was my first time to attempt.” Another thing to note in 'D-2' is that the gorgeous feature team participated. Regarding this, "When I write a melody, I want someone to do it. Thank you so much for your participation." He mentioned BTS' RM, singer-songwriter NiiHWA, MAX and band NELL and Kim Jong-wan. If he talked about the past in the first mix tape 'Agust D' released in 2016, this #BTS #Suga #AugustD #D2
A post shared by 디스패치 인스타그램 (@koreadispatch) on May 28, 2020 at 10:56pm PDT
Baca Juga: Niat Hati Beri Kejutan untuk Hibur Para Dokter dan Perawat, Armand Maulana Malah Mau Nangis Dengar Curhatan Tim Medis hingga Tak Kuat Nyanyikan Lagu
Suga telah kembali sebagai rapper August D dengan merilis Mixtape D-2 pada 22 Mei 2020 lalu.
Ia mengaku butuh waktu 4 tahun untuk kembali merilis proyek solonya.
Ketika ditanya alasannya memerlukan waktu begitu lama, Suga mengatakan bahwa seharusnya D-2 rilis lebih awal.
Tetapi ia harus menundanya karena ada proyek dengan harus diprioritaskan lebih dulu.
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D-2 sendiri diketahui berisi total 10 lagu dari berbagai genre termasuk 'Daechwita' yang menjadi single utama.
'Daechwita' adalah istilah yang merujuk pada genre musik tradisional Korea, di mana kemenangan dan instrumen perkusi biasa digunakan untuk memainkan musik militer.
Selain Daechwita, sembilan lagu lainnya yakni 'Moonlight', 'What Do You Think', 'Strage' (ft. RM), '28' (ft. NiiHWA), 'Burn It' (ft.MAX), 'People', 'Honsool', 'Interlude: Set Me Free', dan 'Dear My Friend'. (*)
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