Eross Candra bersama istri dan anaknya, Sarah Candra dan Pitu.
Laporan Wartawan Grid.ID, Veronica Sri Wahyu Wardiningsih
Grid.ID - Dibesarkan di dua budaya, membuat Sarah Duorita menjadi sosok yang mandiri.
Istri dari gitaris Sheila On 7, Erros Candra ini berdarah Perancis dan Indonesia.
Rumah tangga keduanya juga jarang diterpa isu negatif.
Berikut ini tim Grid.ID merangkum 6 foto Sarah Duorita yang biasa diunggah di akun Instagramnya.
1. Perempuan kelahiran 9 Juni 1991 ini sehari-harinya jarang memakai makeup tebal
2. Cantiknya Sarah ketika menggunakan baju batik, cocok kan?
3. Sarah membuka usaha makanan sehat loh
4. Dia juga rajin meminum jus buah dan sayur5.
Hellooo! Did i scare you with this face?! LOL ???? . I feel like i'm gonna need a juice detox real soon. Like ASAP! . Kemarin liburan makan ga kayak biasanya, no regret, i had super fun, itu namanya menyesuaikan dengan kondisi yg ada : FLEXIBLE AND ADAPTABLE ????????♀️ . Yg penting kita belajar merasakan tubuh kita dan peka akan sinyal2 yg dikirimkan tubuh kepada otak kita. . Aku punya kulit wajah yg bisa dibilang lumayan rewel (and annoyingly just the face????), makan yg salah (utk aku) pasti kulit ngambek. But again, kalau ngomongin kulit pasti banyak kaitannya entah ke liver, sistem pencernaan, hormones, dll. So yes, i'm sensitive to some kinds of food (slowly discovering and understanding that). I'm not complaining since i have so much more things to be grateful for, and i believe everyone is born with their own problem to deal with. Mine is this face skin condition. And this is the journey that leads me to a more holistic comprehension of how my body functions. Embracing every step (any setbacks and progress) ????. Di lain sisi jg bersyukur karena tubuh masih mampu mengirim sinyal utk aku pahami dan benahi. Sinyal2nya jg bisa terlihat dan terasa, so i usually quickly catch up get back to the real deal. . Besok @lokalokabistro buka kembali and yes I'm sure to line up for a detox. Melalui detox juice, akan membantu mengatur kembali kondisi tubuhku (pencernaan) dan aku akan merasa lebih baik. I'm gonna soon see my yoga bestie @agustin999 back, so everything's gonna be alriiitteee ????????♀️????????.. . Get to know your body and have control of it more. Pelajari tubuhmu utk bisa lebih kamu kendalikan dengan bijak. Therefore i believe a better state of you will stand out. That's what i tell myself, my mind. . . #sarahcandra #sarahdiorita #kamusrasa #kamusrasasarahdiorita #coldpressedjuice #juice #detox #juicedetox #knowyourbody #listentoyourbody
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5. Sarah pernah membawa pelatihan kelas untuk masak bersama
6. Sejak menikah, Sarah dan Erros dikaruniai anak laki-laki bernama Pitu
Don't grow up too fast boyyyy.. Pernah ga pikir kalau suatu hari anak akan meneruskan hidupnya "sendiri"? It breaks my heart when i think of it, but isn't that one of the purpose of raising kids? Transfering our knowledge, supplying them with love and support, helping them when in doubt, and just be there when they need us.. Preparing their mind, soul and help them build a shield to overcome life.. And eventually one day they'll have to row their boat on their own, but they know that they have a back up system behind. That's why being a parent doesn't stop there, it's a constant learning process for both parents and kids. . Being a parent teaches us about how love is pure, eternal and unconditional. It teaches us to be a better person every day. They teach us lots of things! I can even say that they teach us what is life! . . Anak itu sungguh berkah ✨ Thank you, I love you kiddo ???? . Selamat hari Jumat ???? . . #elpitucandra #sarahcandra #sarahdiorita #kamusrasa #kamusrasasarahdiorita #kamusrasakeluarga #keluarga #family #kids #parenting #thecandras #raisingkids
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