Juga disebutkan bahwa paling mengerikan adalah yang terjadi di Kebun Binatang Surabaya.
Informasi yang mereka dapat, ada binatang yang mati secara nggak wajar.
Kematian binatang tersebut, setelah memakan hampir 20 kg sampah plastik.
(BACA : Inikah Desa Terkejam di Dunia? Warga Lansia Dijadikan Mangsa Harimau, Alasannya Bikin Miris)
Juga diperlihatkan beruang di Kebun Binatang Bandung yang nampak sangat lapar.
Informasi lainnya yang didapat The Dodo, bahwa Indonesia memiliki 58 kebun binatang yang terdaftar.
Hanya 4 yang dapat predikat bagus dari pemerintah.
Benarkah seperti itu?
Video unggahan ini, sudah ditonton 37 ribu pemirsa dan dikomentari 400-an orang.
Warganet internasional yang melihat tayangan ini, banyak yang mengucapkan kesedihan.
@Dee Dee,"This is horrible !!! Seen the bear begging for food broke my heart. Why have zoos if they can't afford to keep and feed the animals . Look at the horrible conditions these poor animals are kept in. shame on the people who keep these animals caged in and starving .we need help these poor animals who are suffering . We need to be their voice . Let's help them get out of those horrible conditions . There should be some kind of punishment for those who are suppose to take care of these animals . Shame on those people! .'
@D1no M8,"If they dont have money to take care of the animals so why do they have a zoo if they know they cant afford money to take care of the animals?! THATS HORRIBLE!!! ."
@Anne Barnes,"There's no excuse for animal abuse! Let's put the zoo owners and visitors in cages and only feed them very little food and plastic and see how they like it. Zoo=Animal prison. How could anyone even support this animal hell??? Sickening. I have a 5 year old daughter and will NEVER take her to a zoo, not even so called "good" zoos. She can learn about the real lives of animals by watching a nature documentary, by seeing them in the wild or by visiting a sanctuary. Animals are here WITH us, not FOR us. They have feelings, personalities, they want to live in peace like we do. People value money over animals well beings...this world is backwards."
Penulis | : | Octa Saputra |
Editor | : | Octa Saputra |