Instagram @ahmadabdmusic
Ahmad Abdul lamar kekasihnya, Artika Rustam.
Tak hanya penggemar setia Ahmad Abdul saja yang memberikan ucapan selamat.
Rekan sesama musisi juga kontestan yang bersaing dengannya di ajang pencarian bakat Indonesian Idol 2018 pun ikut memberikan ucapan selamat atas diterima lamarannya.
"Goks, congrats dul!," tulis akun @ninokayam.
Baca Juga: Ahmad Abdul Dapat Kritik Menohok dari Maia Estianty di Panggung Grand Final Indonesian Idol 2018
"So happy far both of you! congrats ahmad, ka @artikarustam lancar sampe hari H (emoji)," tulis akun @gheaindrawari.
"Wohooo! Congrats u both (emoji)," tulis akun @ghaitsakenang.
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Who would have thought that I would propose to the only annoying person in my life that I’ve been with in the past 10 months. She was tough, unhandled, invincible, and many more to say about. The love I knew was supposed to be different, being happy and everything related to what happy was all about. We’ve been through happiness, sadness, every unbelievable situations which made us knew each other better and learned. We all change, not going to the past but being better for tomorrow. Skip to all, here I am. After a long flight yesterday and kneeled in front of her last night. She said, “Yes”! Which means that I know she loves me. Thanks to all the amazing efforts that these amazing people had planned for last night. 2019 had been a year with huge events in my life. My own written song was released yesterday which needs to be heard and watched by you people and it ends with this. I love you @artikarustam
A post shared by Ahmad Abdul (@ahmadabdmusic) on Dec 16, 2019 at 6:03am PST
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