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Lihat postingan ini di Instagram Neelu (Neeru), When you are gone so suddenly, I am remembering our last few conversations...about your favorite gold jewellery, your two sons and one of them had a boxing bout. I could feel the pride in your voice. I wish you could spend more time with your daughter and them. I wish I could speak to you more that day. When you are gone so suddenly, you leave me with an after-thought that no small talk is small and life is too short to love... I wish I could tell you that you were more important than you knew. Be good wherever you are. #RIP You will be missed, Divyanka Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya (@divyankatripathidahiya) pada 1 Okt 2018 jam 8:24 PDT
Neelu (Neeru), When you are gone so suddenly, I am remembering our last few conversations...about your favorite gold jewellery, your two sons and one of them had a boxing bout. I could feel the pride in your voice. I wish you could spend more time with your daughter and them. I wish I could speak to you more that day. When you are gone so suddenly, you leave me with an after-thought that no small talk is small and life is too short to love... I wish I could tell you that you were more important than you knew. Be good wherever you are. #RIP You will be missed, Divyanka
Sebuah kiriman dibagikan oleh Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya (@divyankatripathidahiya) pada 1 Okt 2018 jam 8:24 PDT
TTS - Teka - Teki Santuy Eps 119 Petualangan Kuliner Dunia